Annual Students Conferences at Humboldt: Conferences
Poietic Spaces. Communicating Landscapes of Imagination


Julia Roth
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

I am studying English and American Studies, Spanish and Political Science at Humboldt University. Currently, I am working on my MA thesis in American literature about Toni Morrison's essays. (My main interest literature-wise lies in feminist criticism, critical theory, postcolonial studies and gender studies.)

In politics, I am focusing on international relations and political theory. Recently, I am furthermore developing a growing fascination in the history and theory of wars and warfare in order to make sense of the current international situation. I spent one semester of my studies in Madrid, Spain and two in London.

Besides studying I am engaged in the Humboldt students' newspaper, joined an international work camp in Harlem, NY, and worked as a freelance journalist, waitress and telephone researcher. I love travelling, spending time with my friends, Flamenco music and dancing (which I practice passionately but unfortunately am a real tyro at…), as well as dancing in general (in clubs or at parties, that is), reading and film.

Paper: 'A Written Form that resembles the Speech' -Toni Morrison's Essays as Forms of Afro-American Self-Representation

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